News / Blog Posts
New Year’s Party Animal
You should have seen us celebrating the turn of the year. Typhoon was our New Year’s Party Animal and we have the photos to prove it.
Read Today's Herd StoryResolution Time
Hu-Dad suggested to Typhoon that New Year’s Eve was resolution time – the moment to pledge improvements for the coming year.
Read Today's Herd StoryCheesewhiz Diet
The boys were subjected to the Cheesewhiz diet at dinner last night and were not too happy about it. Cheoah didn’t care to hear their complaints.
Read Today's Herd StoryRabbit Hunting Competitor
Much to his horror, Typhoon discovered he had a rabbit hunting competitor who was boldly invading the Little Prince’s territory.
Read Today's Herd StoryFire Marshal Cheesewhiz
Our own Fire Marshal here at Chez Herd had to chastise the Hu-Dad yesterday about a major flaw with our fireplace – a lack of a fire.
Read Today's Herd StoryRoscoe’s Morning Routine
We thought we would give you a glimpse of Roscoe’s morning routine (after our first walk and breakfast which are before sunrise).
Read Today's Herd StoryPost-Christmas Adjustments
Knowing that the special day has passed, Typhoon proposed some post-Christmas adjustments that might have been met with skepticism by Hu-Dad.
Read Today's Herd StorySiberian Santa Claus Comes To Town
The boys of The Herd have discovered the Siberian Santa Claus has come to town in her red and white suit and she knows who’s been bad or good.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon’s Christmas Spirit
Roscoe is learning so much from his big brother Typhoon, but this definition of Christmas spirit might be slightly skewed.
Read Today's Herd StoryLeg Stretch By Zoomie
Sometimes, you just need to release some energies and get a leg stretch by doing some zoomies around the yard a few laps.
Read Today's Herd StoryOutside Games
Yesterday was a perfect day for some outside games. Well, perfect if you are a Siberian Husky because our rain became something much better.
Read Today's Herd StoryStare Down In The Study
A mighty stare down contest was underway in the study. We’ll warn you in advance that only the photographer moves in today’s post.
Read Today's Herd Story