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Sometimes, you just need to release some energies and get a leg stretch by doing some zoomies around the yard a few laps.
The humans had an errand to run yesterday that required a lot of driving, so we all piled in the Jeep to keep them company. We rode for a few hours in one direction and then rode for a few hours back home. We did stop at a park for a walk in the middle of the day, but it was still a lot of riding time.
When we got home, Roscoe said he still had some pent up energy, so he took off on a few laps around the yard. Around and around and around. And, yes, that is a big, ol’ silly grin as he runs and runs.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom sez: Just to watch the happy grin on Roscoe’s face tells everyone that he has found the BEST “furever home” any pup could ever have.
I’m glad to see Rasco has settled in Chez Herd, like he was meant to be there. He looks so happy, the glee is all over his face. That grin says it all. Roscoe you are one lucky boy! ????????????
That’s a beautiful sight!! A happy Roscoe loving his life at Chez Herd!
Just wishing we could bottle up some of that energy and exuberance for humans to take. We would be zillionaires.
Happiness really does radiate from him. It’s lovely to see.
Roscoe is smiling and happy to be the newest member of the Herd. Hu-Dad makes all his Sibes smile. Very lucky pups.
wow! I wish I had Zoomie’s love of running and exercise and . . . his built-in sheer STAMINA!
he’s a healthy happy boy now with a beautiful forever home and family! xo
To see that smile on Roscoe’s face warms my heart too. ALL the herd are very lucky to you as their Hu-Dad!!!! Come on Roscoe-a few more laps will help you sleep!!
D.K. : Thank you for giving Roscoe (and the others) a wonderful life.