Stare Down In The Study

A mighty stare down contest was underway in the study. We’ll warn you in advance that only the photographer moves in today’s post.

Nap time became a stare down
Nap time became a stare down

Yesterday was one of those rainy, drizzly, foggy, miserable days and we all hung out inside. Cheoah had her fire, Frankie disappeared into a bedroom, and Roscoe was snoring. Typhoon and Landon sprawled in the Hu-Dad’s study and napped most of the day, until they both woke up and the contest was on.

More staring
More staring

What became funny, but difficult to communicate in photos, is how long the game went on. Hu-Dad kept circling them with the camera, taking photos from different angles, and yet they hardly blinked. As games go, not the most exciting, but anything to stay amused on a bad weather day.

A winner has not been declared.
A winner has not been declared.

P.S. – Hu-Dad has posted a new short story over on his website and we thought we would mention it because two of us are involved. If you are intrigued to understand how two dogs, two rabbits, a bright flashlight, a social media post, and modern day black magic could possibly go together, go read “Black Magic” now.

Feel free to subscribe to his monthly newsletter if you want to keep track of his usually-not-about-us stories.


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on December 21, 2018 at 3:40 pm

    Whoa! What a great store down! That’s worth Champion status!!!

  2. Debbie on December 21, 2018 at 7:18 am

    Great stare down.. I can only imagine how you really felt at 2am with the tug o war going on!! Better to read it then live it.

  3. Jean Burkhardt on December 21, 2018 at 5:47 am

    Now THAT is an amazing stare down! Heading over to read Black Magic now Hu-Dad! Your stories are so great.

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