New Year’s Party Animal

You should have seen us celebrating the turn of the year. Typhoon was our New Year’s Party Animal and we have the photos to prove it.

Why are sticking the camera in my crate? New Year's Party Animal
Why are you sticking the camera in my crate?

Uh, Typhoon, do you realize the sun has barely set on New Year’s Eve and you are already curled up in a crate napping? Don’t you think this is going to hurt your reputation as the delinquent of The Herd?

Sorry. Fell asleep while you were talking.
Sorry. Fell asleep while you were talking.

Fine. We have to admit. Hu-Dad curled up with a good book and we were all snoring by dark. Even our resident bad boy.

Just stretching out to snooze the night away.
Just stretching out to snooze the night away.

We wish all of our readers a very Happy, Safe, Prosperous and Rewarding New Year.


  1. Zoe on January 1, 2019 at 9:04 pm

    Happy New Year

  2. tammy j on January 1, 2019 at 4:19 pm

    I’m with you dude! my kind of New Year! sending you lots of new year hugs.
    and thanks to your Hu-Dad for making life infinitely better and cheerier. xo

  3. Lori & izzy Belle Bear on January 1, 2019 at 11:32 am

    Happy New Year to the entire Herd!!!

  4. Bj Mills on January 1, 2019 at 9:58 am

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! to all the Herd, family and extended family.

  5. Debbie on January 1, 2019 at 7:44 am

    Proves dogs are smarter than the humans, standing in the rain to watch the ball drop. Ruby did the same as you Typhoon, had a FrostyPaw and slipped to dream land. Happy New Year!

  6. Jean Burkhardt on January 1, 2019 at 5:52 am

    AAWW Typhoon-I’m so happy you and the Herd and Hu-Dad were safely snoozing the night away when 2019 came in! I look forward to many many more stories to start my days this year! Happy New Year!

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