News / Blog Posts
Blueberry Check
Kodiak is right; the blueberries are not quite ready for picking, but they will be soon. And long time readers know how much the dogs like hiking and picking berries on the way. The amazing part is that the dogs check the same bushes regardless of how seldom we hike a particular trail and regardless…
Read Today's Herd StoryAnd The Winner Is . . .
We thank everyone for entering our 1000th post contest. We had a lot of fun and learned about a lot of great animal charities. As we said, each comment added one chance to your mentioned charity, so here is the final list of nominees: Joplin Humane Society – 43 Nominations Texas Husky Rescue – 24…
Read Today's Herd StoryFriday Fotos
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** The nominations are being tallied and a selection will be made. Come back tomorrow to find out the winning animal charity!
Read Today's Herd Story1000
1000 posts. Really. We are stunned. As we have said before, we started the original website because we were grieving for the loss of our wonderful Nikita and wanted to record a few memories of her. We thought a few friends might visit, but who knew there was this whole world of…
Read Today's Herd StoryRusty’s Latest Equipment Find
Rusty is notorious for his love of heavy equipment. If you need a refresher, check out his hauler here, his grader here, and his shovel here. But, unless you are certain ridiculously lucky dogs like these, you are currently missing that most important Siberian element – SNOW. Rusty has found the perfect solution – a…
Read Today's Herd StoryRuby Tuesday – Eyeing the Prize
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** This is post 998. We are closing in rapidly on our 1000th post and the end of our contest. Remember, we will unscientifically select one comment from this past week and award $50 to the animal charity named in that comment…
Read Today's Herd StoryMemorial Day
Ok, we may not disappear under the grass in our field now that the hu-dad has finally cut it, but our giant tree still threatens to dwarf us. Look very carefully at the picture above – click on it to enlarge if need be. Yes, that is the red team in the lower left just…
Read Today's Herd StoryAir Conditioning – Sibe Style
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Post number 996. From now until our 1,000th post (which should be Thursday), we are accepting nominations of your favorite animal charity. Next Saturday, we will draw one of those nominations and donate $50 to one of those lucky charities. In…
Read Today's Herd StoryCool Water
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Post number 995 – we are so close. On Thursday, we should be posting our 1000th post. And at the end of that day, our 1000th post contest will end. The full rules are here, but you can win $50 for your…
Read Today's Herd StoryLiving on the Edge
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Yes, we do get to go on some cool adventures and we owe it all to the fantastic rescues that guided us to our forever homes. For our 1000th Post Contest (full details here), we wanted to give back by selecting…
Read Today's Herd StoryWednesday Woo
Hello, Ranger. No, sir, we have not seen any dogs standing on the picnic tables. What makes you ask? ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Thanks to everyone for entering our 1000th post contest – a simple comment promoting your favorite charity. Each comment between now and our…
Read Today's Herd Story