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almost outside

Almost Outside

September 2, 2003 |

One of the greatest parts of working with dogs is dealing with canine logic. Sometimes, they are so close – or, in this case, almost outside.

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mushroom incident

Mushroom Incident

November 1, 1997 |

When you own dogs for many years, you will be confronted with the sometimes baffling veterinarian moments – like our own mushroom incident.

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Dog IQ Test

June 1, 1996 |

After discovering a dog IQ test, we decided to attempt it with the Terrible Trio. We would like to say the results were surprising, but they weren’t.

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Games Siberians Play – Catch

July 2, 1995 |

A bored Siberian Husky can be quite creative to keep herself entertained, as Nikita did in a game of catch with a less than happy turtle.

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Nikita - Our original escape artist

Escape Artist

December 1, 1994 |

My first Siberian Husky, Nikita, taught me much about living with this fun and frustrating breed, including their well-deserved reputation as an escape artist.

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