News / Blog Posts

The Exhausting Job Of Modeling

September 9, 2019 |

Hu-Dad asks that we post for his camera so he can share photographs with our readers, but we need to tell you about the exhausting job of modeling.

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Safe, Sound, and Wet

September 6, 2019 |

As we write this, Hurricane Dorian is pulling away from us taking its wind, rain, and storm surge leaving us safe, sound and wet.

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Walking With Dorian

September 5, 2019 |

The incredibly slow hurricane is still approaching, so the boys went walking with Dorian in between the many bands of rain yesterday.

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Stalked By A Turtle Named Dorian

September 4, 2019 |

With final preparations complete, we can only wait for the slowly incoming hurricane, often described as being stalked by a turtle.

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Waiting For Dorian

September 3, 2019 |

Like much of the east coast, we are waiting for Dorian to come and—more importantly—go away so we can get our lives back to normal.

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Roscoe Declares Couch Time

August 30, 2019 |

We finished our evening walk and headed for dinner, but Roscoe declared a need for some couch time before he was willing to settle down for a meal.

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Landon Weaving Tales

August 29, 2019 |

Boom Boom loves to talk and in this series of photographs his motormouth seems to be weaving tales for the entertainment of Roscoe.

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Holding Rapt Attention

August 28, 2019 |

A rare moment where something was holding the rapt attention of both Roscoe and Typhoon and their concentration could not be broken.

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Scenes From The Trippy-Trap Bridge

August 27, 2019 |

One of our walks takes across a really cool trippy-trap bridge that gives us great views of all of the cool creatures that live in the salt marsh.

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Failed Family Photo

August 26, 2019 |

Hu-Dad thought it would be a great start to the week to share a group shot of all of us, but, instead, we only produced a failed family photo.

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A Simple Request For Landon

August 23, 2019 |

With the weekend fast approaching, Hu-Dad had a simple request for Landon for today’s post. Will Boom Boom cooperate or not?

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Smiling Frankie Suave

August 22, 2019 |

We know that many of our readers start their morning with our posts, so we thought what better way to kick off a day than some smiling Frankie Suave photos.

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