Holding Rapt Attention

A rare moment where something was holding the rapt attention of both Roscoe and Typhoon and their concentration could not be broken.

Whoa! Look at that!
Whoa! Look at that!

You may be waiting on a great punchline telling you something funny that the boys were watching, but the reality is that it was nothing special. Typhoon and Roscoe were just focused while Hu-Dad was able to take a series of photos.

Frankie slipping into the photo.
Frankie slipping into the photo.

Moments like this can be quite rare in a canine household, so Hu-Dad just kept firing the shutter and capturing more and more pictures of no movement.

Still frozen with rapt attention.
Still frozen with rapt attention.

But, don’t worry, we do still have something funny to share. This occurred after a long walk so, once again, Roscoe’s tongue took on a starring role at one point.

Still staring, but Roscoe has lost control of the tongue.
Still staring, but Roscoe has lost control of the tongue.


  1. World Of Animals, Inc. on August 28, 2019 at 6:43 pm

    They are both so adorable. After a nice long walk, they are just so focused in the photos. We love Roscoe’s tongue hanging out. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.

  2. tammy j on August 28, 2019 at 1:19 pm

    Jean says it so well!
    for me too.
    whether starting my day or taking a break (computer) time… or treating myself after a day outside… you’re just the best!
    and I see that the tails were at full alert!

  3. Jean B Burkhardt on August 28, 2019 at 6:58 am

    Oh boy-Typhoon and Roscoe were REALLY focused! BUT of course-Roscoe’s tongue made me laugh!!! I just love every morning when one or more of the HERD starts my day with a smile. Thanks Hu-Dad.

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