News / Blog Posts
Roscoe’s Worried We’ll Be Late For Bed
The time change from Daylight Savings has been challenging in many ways, but none quite as bad as Roscoe’s worry we will be late for bed.
Read Today's Herd StoryLittle Prince’s Good Behavior
An encounter with law enforcement yesterday left Hu-Dad at the mercy of the Little Prince’s good behavior as the law and the delinquent came nose to nose.
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Red Flash (aka, Cheesewhiz)
Despite our weak fencing situation, Hu-Dad decided he could trust Cheesewhiz in the yard without holding her leash…until the red flash appeared.
Read Today's Herd StorySunset Watching With Boom Boom
Back from our evening walk as twilight was descending. so Hu-Dad decided to do a little sunset watching with Boom Boom as the full moon rose.
Read Today's Herd StoryFrankie And The Lower Balcony
Frankie and the Hu-Dad enjoyed the setting sun from the lower balcony of the house (and we show why leashes are still needed).
Read Today's Herd StoryBoom Boom And The Evil Invader
An evil invader entered our house with its mighty roar, but Boom Boom faced the danger head-on and even attempted to make friends with the beast.
Read Today's Herd StoryArtsy Modeling
Typhoon and Roscoe take their turns doing some artsy modeling for the Hu-Dad’s photograophy session – complete with blue skies in the background.
Read Today's Herd StoryShort Leash Escort
How does a pleasant walk on the greenway become a short leash escort? Let’s ask His Highness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey.
Read Today's Herd StoryHuman Tardiness
Much to the Little Prince’s displeasure, discipline has crumbled at Chez Herd with a rash of human tardiness affecting eveything.
Read Today's Herd StorySome Boom Boom Wine
Landon took a little temptation almost too far during last night’s photo shoot and attempted to sample some Boom Boom wine.
Read Today's Herd StoryFeety-Feet Tangle
Evenings before lights out are spent with Hu-Dad reading a book and us spread around snoozing, giving an opportunity for a feety-feet tangle.
Read Today's Herd StoryAn Evening Boom Boom
With shorter and shorter days, the light is fading earlier and earlier causging lots of night time photos like these of an evening Boom Boom.
Read Today's Herd Story