News / Blog Posts

Smiles before the walk.

Hot Tired Dogs After Dog Walk

August 7, 2016 |

We had a blast yesterday at Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation 11th Annual Downtown Dog Walk but we were hot tired dogs when it was over. Because of the heat in the summer, we tend to stay at the house and other higher elevation areas and not venture into the valleys very often. The temperature can…

Read Today's Herd Story
Typhoon wishing he was a mighty hunter.

Wishing Dreaming And Hoping

August 6, 2016 |

A few members of The Herd wishing, dreaming and hoping on a Friday evening. Their thoughts seem to be fairly transparent. After a series of early season mistakes, the rabbits learned to stay outside the fence of Sibe Quentin. Unfortunately for Typhoon (and fortunately for the bunnies), Typhoon’s catch count has not moved in weeks.…

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Evil Squeaky Pig

Evil Squeaky Pig – Our Nemesis

August 5, 2016 |

Our quiet Thursday was interrupted by a very dark enemy – the evil squeaky pig. We even have video proof of his diabolical nature. The 11th Annual Downtown Dog Walk kicks off this Saturday at 10 a.m. benefitting Sarge’s Animal Rescue Foundation. Most of our readers know that we have been a long-time supporter of…

Read Today's Herd Story
Don't even think about it, baby bro.

Protecting The Peace And Quiet

August 4, 2016 |

On a quiet summer evening, Cheoah is protecting the peace. And who would be the most likely suspect for disturbing the serenity? But when things are quiet, a certain pup just has to stir up trouble. You could hear his paws gathering speed as he raced across the yard. The scene is familiar to all…

Read Today's Herd Story
Guess who?

Trouble Arrives With Gusto

August 3, 2016 |

We spend our evenings relaxing in the den until trouble arrives. We anticipate you can guess who brings trouble into our midst. Just as the humans settled onto the couches, the sound of thundering paws echoed off the den walls. Maybe he thought he serves as the main act for the evening’s entertainment. Or, perhaps,…

Read Today's Herd Story
Woo, that was fun.

Soggy Or Not – Walking Happens

August 2, 2016 |

Our daily thunderstorms adjust our walking schedule, but – soggy or not – walking happens Come join us for a stroll in the neighborhood. Yesterday’s rainfall totalled only 1/10th of an inch, but it all fell right at our walking time. Fortunately, thunderstorms pass quickly. Unfortunately, the sun comes out almost immediately creating swampy, thick…

Read Today's Herd Story
I might turn over soon.

Broiling in the Summer Sunshine

August 1, 2016 |

Chez Herd offers us plenty of shady spots and cool areas. Some of us, however, insist on broiling in the summer sunshine. Roofs cover our dog porches to protect us from Mother Nature. Believe it or not, the porches sport a total of six outdoor ceiling fans (yes, one for each of us). Unfortunately, the porches…

Read Today's Herd Story
When is dinner?

Intrusion Attempt of Sibe Quentin

July 31, 2016 |

A mischief-making pair attempted an intrusion of Sibe Quentin. Fortunately, our rapid response security team averted a near disaster. The Chief of Security sounded the alarm and a full security alert declared. A furious team of Siberian Huskies scrambled for the perimeter of Sibe Quentin, prepared to do battle with the vicious foes. For a moment,…

Read Today's Herd Story
Security patrols must continue despite a rain delay.

Rain Delays Games At Chez Herd

July 30, 2016 |

A mild drought continues to grip our mountains, but small daily rain storms continue as well. Still, the rain delays our games at Chez Herd. Our mountains get a significant amount of rain, so drought is a relative term for us. We are several inches shy of normal rainfall and could use a nice soaking…

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A Tale (Tail) Of Two Brothers

July 29, 2016 |

Frankie and Typhoon hang out together, but the two brothers personalities differ dramatically. We demonstrate those differences in today’s Film Friday. Frankie’s earned his nickname Frankie Suave for his laid back approach to life. He naps with enthusiasm, usually in the most comfortable location available. He focuses his energy on napping related activities like pillow…

Read Today's Herd Story
Cheese? Move to your own couch. Spreading out.

Spreading Out For Maximum Comfort

July 28, 2016 |

As masters of comfort, Frankie and Cheoah understand the benefits of spreading out. Sufficient room guarantees relaxation space. Experience tells us that six Siberian Huskies can comfortably fit on our den couches. Sure, the humans complain if we don’t leave them space, but they can sit in the floor. Even if only two Siberians want…

Read Today's Herd Story
This is the quietest cat I have ever met.

Visiting A New Doctor’s Office

July 27, 2016 |

Queen Natasha visited a new doctor’s office yesterday. We will be exploring acupuncture for pain management, but yesterday was about exploring the office. In her last physical examination with our vet, we discussed Natasha’s pain management for her arthritis. Laser treatments and pharmaceuticals have produced great results so far. But, we discussed other possibilities to…

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