Protecting The Peace And Quiet

On a quiet summer evening, Cheoah is protecting the peace. And who would be the most likely suspect for disturbing the serenity?

Enjoying the peace of a quiet evening.

Enjoying  a quiet evening.

But when things are quiet, a certain pup just has to stir up trouble. You could hear his paws gathering speed as he raced across the yard.

Must make mischief!

Must make mischief!

The scene is familiar to all of you who follow our daily antics, but today Cheoah decided to stop things before they started. She established a blockade at the entrance of the deck.

Don't even think about it, baby bro.

Don’t even think about it, baby bro.

And Typhoon’s response? This might just be the smartest move he has made in a long time.

Retreat! Retreat!

Retreat! Retreat!


  1. Lori on August 4, 2016 at 7:46 am

    Well done Cheoah!!!!

  2. Mom, Ebby 'n Ice on August 4, 2016 at 4:57 am

    Mom, Ice’n Ebby ALL say: Maybe Typhoon is finally learning that there ARE times when “discretion is the better part of valour”?

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