Intrusion Attempt of Sibe Quentin

A mischief-making pair attempted an intrusion of Sibe Quentin. Fortunately, our rapid response security team averted a near disaster.

A stern Chief of Security after scaring off the intruders. intrusion avoided

A stern Chief of Security after scaring off the intruders.

The Chief of Security sounded the alarm and a full security alert declared. A furious team of Siberian Huskies scrambled for the perimeter of Sibe Quentin, prepared to do battle with the vicious foes. For a moment, the intruders stood their ground.

You talking to us?

You talking to us?

Fortunately, our foes retreated into the woods. Once again, Sibe Quentin and Chez Herd are safe from the wildlife surrounding us. That leaves only a single question.

When is dinner?

When is dinner?



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  1. Dennis the Vizsla on August 2, 2016 at 9:46 pm

    hello thundering herd its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that wuz a klose wun yoo almost got infiltrayted by bunneez!!! gud job patrolling the fasilitee!!! hmm i wunder hoo is dooing that heer now that i am all by myself i shud find owt wun of theez dayz so i kan thaynk them!!! ok bye

  2. Mom, Ebby 'n Ice on August 2, 2016 at 5:39 am

    Mom sez: Gotta watch those rabbits, Kiska! The way they multiply, they could be planning an ambush, and have Sibe Quentin surrounded in no time!

  3. Lori on July 31, 2016 at 8:17 am

    Can I just say how much I LOVE your posts!!! ????????????

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