News / Blog Posts

Chief of Security Kiska establishes a perimeter.

Restoring Order Upon Our Return

September 12, 2016 |

After a weekend in the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle), we have to go straight to work restoring order around Chez Herd. A murder of crows stood in the middle of Sibe Quentin when we arrived home, so they had to be chased away immediately. Our fearless Chief of Security organized patrols to inspect every inch of…

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September 11

15 Years Later – September 11

September 11, 2016 |

How can it be 15 years later? It seems like only yesterday that I was as stunned as the rest of the world and watching airplanes fly into buildings. Hu-Dad here. I rarely interrupt the blog with my own voice and prefer to let the dogs handle their stories. Frankly, though, none of them –…

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My pack listens to me.

First RV Trip Of The Season

September 10, 2016 |

While so many other RVer’s are beginning to think of the end of another year of camping, we are taking our first RV trip of the season. Most RVers think of the camping season as spring through autumn, but we prefer to hang out in the cool temperatures at home in the summer and not…

Read Today's Herd Story
Not hard to narrow the suspect list down.

Disturbing The Peace On An Idyllic Evening

September 9, 2016 |

A quiet September evening. The Herd enjoying the serenity. Who could possibly be guilty of disturbing the peace on such an idyllic evening? Our evenings are cool and clear, perfect for time in the yard. None of us are in a particular hurry to get anything done, so everything goes by in slow motion. Just about…

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Are we ready to go to bed yet?

Office Work Overtime Impact

September 8, 2016 |

Hu-Dad was working late in the study last night when he realized that some pup was very unimpressed with the office work overtime. Oh, sure, Hu-Dad says it is all about earning kibble so that we are all well fed (even if the pictured subject is quite the picky eater), but some of us expect…

Read Today's Herd Story
Notice the traffic ahead, Hu-Dad. Keep your eyes on the road.

Navigator, Co-Pilot or Captain?

September 7, 2016 |

Queen Natasha has always claimed the prime seat in the Herd’s limousine (Jeep Wrangler), but is she the navigator, co-pilot or captain? Each member of The Herd has a reserved seat in the Jeep. Natasha’s is sitting just behind – and in the middle – of the driver and passenger seats. She has been known…

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Queen Natasha is looking so prim and proper.

Just Dishing A Little Celebrity Dirt

September 6, 2016 |

The paparazzi attempt to photograph a little celebrity dirt, so why should it be any different with the puparazzi around Chez Herd? Queen Natasha takes her evening stroll assuming that no cameras are pointed her direction. But around Chez Herd, the Hu-Dad is always trying to capture amusing photographs. And that means we dogs always…

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Aren't you impressed?

Qannik Labors on Labor Day

September 5, 2016 |

We are celebrating Labor Day in the United States, so Qannik thought he would do his part. This is his best attempt to look like a worker. Yesterday evening, all was quiet at Chez Herd. The security experts had already swept the perimeter and were confident that Sibe Quentin was safe. Suddenly, Qannik sat up…

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Frankie chose his crate for an evening nap.

Great Fall Day Begets Mostly Tired Pups

September 4, 2016 |

Blessed with a beautiful fall day, we ventured out for a Jeep ride and some walks. All this activity resulted in tired pups . . . mostly. While our house on top of the mountains stays cool throughout the summer, the valleys below us can be quite warm. This summer’s hot weather crimped our travels,…

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What a dreary day.

Venturing Into The Foggy Weather

September 3, 2016 |

While our friends to the east were dealing with Hermine, we enjoyed a cool, rainy day. And that meant venturing into the foggy weather. We do feel for all of our friends to the south and east of us who were dealing with Hermine. Our high temperature of the day was 61ºF (16ºC), but that…

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Odd Couple

The Odd Couple Of Chez Herd

September 2, 2016 |

Queen Natasha the Evil and Little Prince Typhoon create the most unexpected odd couple of Chez Herd. And who do you think is the instigator?

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Don't walk when you can run.

Don’t Walk When You Can Run

September 1, 2016 |

When we talk about somepup’s need for speed, our readers know exactly who stars in the post. Typhoon’s motto – don’t walk when you can run. To answer the obvious question, no one pursued. The rest of The Herd sat on the deck and watched the youngster circle the yard. Typhoon craves speed and action,…

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