Great Fall Day Begets Mostly Tired Pups

Blessed with a beautiful fall day, we ventured out for a Jeep ride and some walks. All this activity resulted in tired pups . . . mostly.

Qannik snoring on the deck - one of several tired pups

Qannik snoring on the deck.

While our house on top of the mountains stays cool throughout the summer, the valleys below us can be quite warm. This summer’s hot weather crimped our travels, so we were excited with the beautiful, cool fall-like day we had yesterday. Hu-Dad fired up our limousine (aka, the Jeep Wrangler) and took us out for an adventure. We even had a short walk on the Blue Ridge Parkway, tempting us for longer hikes as the cooler weather settles in.

Frankie chose his crate for an evening nap.

Frankie chose his crate for an evening nap.

When we got back home, Hu-Dad said he heard five pups snoring away on the back deck.

Wait? Five? Well, we did say mostly tired pups.

Going to have be a much longer hike to tire me out, Hu-Dad.

Going to have be a much longer hike to tire me out, Hu-Dad.


  1. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on September 4, 2016 at 4:35 pm

    Mom, Ice’n Ebby all say: Yup, as soon as you mentioned the number “five”, we all knew who the missing one was!

  2. Susan McManus on September 4, 2016 at 12:17 pm

    I also knew which pup was going to need more exercise to wear him out. Got to love the Little Prince.

  3. Pat and Rebel on September 4, 2016 at 9:43 am

    When you said “mostly tired pups”, I knew that energetic Typhoon would be living up to his name and looking for additional adventures.

  4. Lori on September 4, 2016 at 7:33 am

    Typhoon has that “So what’s next Hudad?” look oh his face!

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