Restoring Order Upon Our Return

After a weekend in the S-RV (Siberian Recreational Vehicle), we have to go straight to work restoring order around Chez Herd.

Chief of Security Kiska establishes a perimeter.

Chief of Security Kiska establishes a perimeter.

A murder of crows stood in the middle of Sibe Quentin when we arrived home, so they had to be chased away immediately. Our fearless Chief of Security organized patrols to inspect every inch of our yard to ensure that no intruders remained.

With security restored, Queen Natasha strutted about the yard making sure that all wildlife knew that we were home.

Don't mess with our yard. - restoring order

Don’t mess with our yard.

With everything deemed safe, we moved to other critical priorities.

Yep, our excavation project under the picnic table is safe.

Yep, our excavation project under the picnic table remains untouched.


  1. Lori on September 12, 2016 at 7:28 am

    Must always restore order!

  2. Vincent Porrazzo on September 12, 2016 at 5:52 am

    Well done troops!

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