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We are celebrating Labor Day in the United States, so Qannik thought he would do his part. This is his best attempt to look like a worker.
Yesterday evening, all was quiet at Chez Herd. The security experts had already swept the perimeter and were confident that Sibe Quentin was safe.
Suddenly, Qannik sat up in alarm, wooed, and raced to the fence. Well, raced at top speed for a Q-Tip.
The rest of The Herd watched in amazement and curiosity as Qannik slid to a stop and growled at the threat just outside the fence. Yes, Q successfully cornered the very first fallen leaf of autumn. We all felt much safer as he triumphantly returned to the deck.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
What a sweetheart!
I’m impressed Q!
Yes the world is a safer place now Qannik!
Ice ‘n Ebby say: Well, at least you have to admit that Qannik was alert, and on the job!
Our hero!