Office Work Overtime Impact

Hu-Dad was working late in the study last night when he realized that some pup was very unimpressed with the office work overtime.

Notice who is staring at the office door while overtime work is happening

Notice who is staring at the office door.

Oh, sure, Hu-Dad says it is all about earning kibble so that we are all well fed (even if the pictured subject is quite the picky eater), but some of us expect to go to bed on time – every night.

Are we ready to go to bed yet?

Are we ready to go to bed yet?

Don’t worry, Hu-Dad took the hint and stopped all of his busyness. Tomorrow is another day!

Don't let it happen again.

Don’t let it happen again.



  1. KJ Pierson on September 9, 2016 at 10:08 am

    I just started a new job last week working from home. Leena has been very upset that I’m not on the bed most of the day to cuddle, rub and generally keep her company….

    Never mind I am 3 ft or so from the bed at my desk. Nope that’s not good enough!

  2. All Things Collie on September 8, 2016 at 12:26 pm

    Lol, we would’ve been indignant too!

  3. Lori on September 8, 2016 at 7:36 am

    The little prince needs his beauty rest ❤️

  4. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on September 8, 2016 at 6:23 am

    Ice’n Ebby say: Just remember, Typhoon, that the hu-Dad can’t take you places, and spend the days following you around, taking pictures of all of you, and not have to work some time to earn that kibble for all of you. Sometimes he has to make up that time by working late at night, if you’re going to eat in the manner to which you have all become accustomed — at least, that’s what our hu-Dad tells US, when we’d rather be going for walks, or getting ear rubs and scratches.

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