Disturbing The Peace On An Idyllic Evening

A quiet September evening. The Herd enjoying the serenity. Who could possibly be guilty of disturbing the peace on such an idyllic evening?

Chasing the camera operator.

Chasing the camera operator.

Our evenings are cool and clear, perfect for time in the yard. None of us are in a particular hurry to get anything done, so everything goes by in slow motion. Just about perfect.

Who could be guilty of disturbing the peace?

Who could be guilty of disturbing the peace?

Do you really have to ask? Our bet is that every one of our readers identified the trouble maker before we even began this post. Sometimes, the usual suspect is also the guilty party. This is one of those cases.

Not hard to narrow the suspect list down.

Not hard to narrow the suspect list down.

Of course, this is Film Friday, so we tell our tale via video. Lean back, get comfortable, and enjoy . . . Disturbing the Peace.


  1. Lori on September 9, 2016 at 7:43 am

    Poor Cheoah… Always the troublemaker’s target ????

  2. Mom, Ice'n Ebby on September 9, 2016 at 4:29 am

    Mom sez: Yes, it’s NEVER hard to guess who the “peace disturber” is. He sure didn’t stick around long after Frankie (MY most favourite!) arrived on the scene. Is Ty actually beginning to learn a little about “respecting your elders”? (Jus’ wonderin’!)

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