News / Blog Posts

Ruby Tuesday – Tempting Fate

October 11, 2011 |
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Sentry Duty

October 10, 2011 |
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Fall Brilliance

October 9, 2011 |

Saturday was absolutely beautiful and the fall colors at our elevation are brilliant.  We thought we would just share some scenes of the fall colors today from our hikes near the house. Click on any picture to bigefy.

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October 8, 2011 |

How about a little lighter story from our beach week trip before Kodiak’s accident?  This is one we promised to tell when posting about our visit with Kody and Nia (and humans David and Linda).  We visited Palmetto Islands County Park and had a blast.  Let’s let the pictures tell the story. *****    …

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Tree of Life

October 7, 2011 |
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Kodiak – ??/??/?? – October 2, 2011

October 2, 2011 |

This website was started in 2006 (and moved to its current website in 2008) as a celebration of life for our Dear Nikita, the very first Siberian Husky we had ever had and a dog that will forever be a part of me.  Originally written with just family and close friends in mind (who knew…

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Kodiak Update

October 1, 2011 |

Many of you saw our initial posts on our Facebook Fan Page, but we wanted to give you a more comprehensive update.  First and foremost, Kodiak is resting comfortably beside me as I type out this post. Amazing how quickly things can change.  Friday dawned with clear skies and cooler temperatures, destined to be the…

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Friday Foto – Doing the Charleston

September 30, 2011 |

P.S. – Yes, the hu-dad was wearing his goofy hat as you can see in the shadows, but he was NOT wearing his camouflage socks with sandals.

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A Day Well Spent

September 29, 2011 |

Queen Natasha wants to know, “How did you spend your day?”

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Sand Contests

September 28, 2011 |
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Best Part of Monday

September 27, 2011 |

We have lots and lots to tell you about our Monday at the beach, but, frankly, we are worn out pups and headed to bed. We will share all of our stories with you in later posts – including our encounter with CRABS! Until then, Cheesewhiz wanted to say that she really enjoyed meeting up…

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Wave’s Revenge

September 26, 2011 |
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