News / Blog Posts

TPLO Recovery Week 5 & 8

November 11, 2014 |

Cheoah is now only one week away from her first post-surgery x-rays – which hopefully will result in her release to begin short leashed walks and the discontinuance of the dreaded sling. She has begun to express displeasure at her crate time and insists she is ready to go, so everyone within earshot is hoping…

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Around the Neighborhood

November 10, 2014 |

With Natasha rebuilding her leg strength after her TPLO surgery, we are restricted to fairly short 15 minute, around the neighborhood walks a couple of times a day. So what is she doing on these trails?  

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November 9, 2014 |

The Hu-dad went across the valley to the Hu-Grandmom’s – and The Herd Annex’s – house for dinner last night. Let’s see how Ruby and Tartok did in the hospitality department.

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Tipping Point

November 8, 2014 |

Tipping point – the moment where a series of small actions become significant enough to cause a larger change. The phrase might just have a double meaning once we tell Cheoah’s story, but she certainly hit her tipping point yesterday. Hu-dad was working diligently on a problem that required a great deal of concentration. His…

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Windy Day

November 7, 2014 |

With a new front moving in, we had quite the windy day yesterday. We all took appropriate shelter. Well, most of us did. P.S. – Despite the wind, the sunshine felt really good and no one wanted to hang out inside the house – except for the two TPLO patients who complained loudly that they…

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Dreaming of More Snow

November 6, 2014 |

Yes, The Herd is dreaming of more snow. Our first storm of the season is almost melted, though we have a chance for an inch or so tonight and another light dusting later this weekend. Don’t worry, Frankie and Typhoon, more snow is coming.

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Game Day

November 5, 2014 |

Tired of election results and world news? So are we. So today we present . . . Game Day!

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TPLO Recovery Week 4 & 7

November 4, 2014 |

Time for our weekly update on TPLO Recovery for our two patients. Both continue to do very well and are getting stronger every day. Both were also quite clear that it snowed outside this weekend and they were not allowed to go play. Hu-dad has paid for that dearly. But on with our updates. Natasha…

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The Perils of Photography

November 3, 2014 |

The perils of photography are particularly acute when the subjects are canine. So hard to get the picture you want.

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Snow Fun

November 2, 2014 |

Yes, we had some snow and, therefore, we had some snow fun! No story today, just some of our favorite photographs from around Sibe Quentin.

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Snow is Coming

November 1, 2014 |

Our first winter storm of the year was supposed to come in over Friday night and into Saturday morning, so by the time you read this post, we should have some very happy Siberian Huskies. A certain young husky certainly seemed to have the “snow is coming” look all day.

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Halloween Costumes

October 31, 2014 |

We live on the top of a mountain at the end of a dirt road. We do not have trick-or-treaters show up at our house. Ever. Still, we do sometimes wonder what Halloween Costumes are appropriate for us.

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