TPLO Recovery Week 4 & 7

Time for our weekly update on TPLO Recovery for our two patients. Both continue to do very well and are getting stronger every day. Both were also quite clear that it snowed outside this weekend and they were not allowed to go play. Hu-dad has paid for that dearly.

But on with our updates.

Walking to the mailbox

Walking to the mailbox. Natasha is doing her best to find every patch of snow to get her paws cool.

Natasha is now doing two 10-minute walks a day as she continues to strengthen. And, yes, it takes about ten minutes to walk to our mailbox.

more crate time

Sigh. More crate time.

Cheoah has another two weeks of crate rest before she can begin her 10 minute walks. During a bathroom break Saturday, she tried very hard to do a snow slide, but Hu-dad prevented it. Ah, the cruelties.


  1. KB on November 4, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    I’m so glad that both of them are doing so well!

    I think this log is fabulous. It will help you to remember what to expect if you ever go through this again, and it will do the same for all of us who follow your blog and might face this surgery some day.

    I can imagine that you paid for the lack of snow play!

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