News / Blog Posts
Boom Boom Cut Grass Celebration
Because of our rainy weather, lots of busyness, and other excuses, Hu-Dad let our grass get really tall, but Boom Boom finally did a cut grass celebration.
Read Today's Herd StorySunshine Brothers Recharging On The Deck
Forgive us for showing Roscoe and Typhoon three days in a row, but Hu-Dad’s photographs of the sunshine brothers on the deck were too cute not to share.
Read Today's Herd StoryDepleted Energy (aka, Monday)
Remember all of that wrestling over the weekend? Monday rolled around in the study and we seemed to have an extended case of depleted energy.
Read Today's Herd StoryRainy Sunday Entertainment
With a really nasty weather forecast for the weekend, Hu-Dad did some projects in his study and Roscoe and Typhoon provided rainy Sunday entertainment.
Read Today's Herd StoryA Boom Boom Roadblock
Cheesewhiz was out for an afternoon jog around the yard of Sibe Quentin when she ran into a Boom Boom roadblock – quite literally.
Read Today's Herd StoryBrothers Ask—Ready To Rumble?
Typhoon and Roscoe love hanging out in Hu-Dad’s office, but get bored. When boredom strikes, one of them always asks the other, “Ready to Rumble?”
Read Today's Herd StoryA Rare Serious Boom Boom
We have little explanation for today’s post except to say that the Hu-Dad was amused to see a rare serious Boom Boom stalking about the yard.
Read Today's Herd StoryCheoah Complains Of An Interrupted Nap
We working breeds have a very high standard for our working time, so Cheoah feels quite justified in complaining about an interrupted nap.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon And Roscoe Sniffing The Air
The two amigos, Typhoon and Roscoe, hanging out in the yard together and sniffing the air. Not sure what they smell, but it must be enticing.
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon Behind Bars
With all of his delinquency, it was bound to happen sooner or later. We have photos of His Haughtiness Little Prince Typhoon Phooey behind bars.
Read Today's Herd StoryOdd Couple Racing Rematch
Our resident odd couple, Cheoah the most senior canine and Landon (Boom Boom) who wants to forever remain a puppy, declared a racing rematch,
Read Today's Herd StoryTyphoon Claims The Desk Fort
So many places to spread out inside Hu-Dad’s study, but the Little Prince has claimed the desk fort as his own, personal domain.
Read Today's Herd Story