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We working breeds have a very high standard for our working time, so Cheoah feels quite justified in complaining about an interrupted nap.
We Siberian Huskies pull heavy sleds across the frozen tundra bringing critical supplies and necessities to remote villages. Well, not us exactly, but distant relatives. The details aren’t important, but we understand the value of hard work.
In our case, the work is in looking good whenever the camera is turned in our direction and holding down couches so they don’t float away during the middle of the day. Life’s tough, but we are up for the challenge. But we do need our beauty rest.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
You have to watch those pesky couches!!
she is precious!
Cheoah’s eyes remind me of pictures of boulder opals I’ve seen. So pretty.
One can never have enough pictures of a beautiful redhead!! Happy dreams.
I understand completely Miss Cheoah-nap time is CRITICAL to our beauty! Hu-Dad wants LOTS of pictures though of you sweet girl so I guess you will just have to GRIN and bear it!!