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Cheesewhiz was out for an afternoon jog around the yard of Sibe Quentin when she ran into a Boom Boom roadblock – quite literally.
Miss Cheoah was enjoying her yard time, stretching her legs and running through the grass. With her lap complete, she headed to the porch for some relaxation and a drink of water.
Unfortunately, her little brother, Landon, picked that exact moment to exit the porch for his own run (or, more accurately, Boom Boom Bounce) around the yard. The next picture should probably be reported by a traffic helicopter.
Have a terrific weekend! Supposed to be a wet one here, but we will do our best to stay dry (or play in the mud, as the mood hits us). See you on Monday!
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Oh, too bad the Cheesy run around the yard, to be finished with a four- (but was a three-) point landing, was cut short by the Boom Boom road block! Do hope they are OK after the fun on the run!
I’ll be curious to learn which one(s) soak up more of the rain, to share with you!
If I am not mistaken, Boom Boom mouth is open in a chomp fashion. I’m not sure he was exiting as much as getting ready for Wrasslin 😛
Great interception Boom Boom! You caught poor CheeseWhiz totally off guard! We hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
master photography!
also hope no need for painful limping on either side!
Oh dear Miss Cheoah-I hope nothing more than your ego was bruised! And Boom Boom-I hope the same for you! I hope your two were untangled very quickly. Have a very nice weekend all.