Odd Couple Racing Rematch

Our resident odd couple, Cheoah the most senior canine and Landon (Boom Boom) who wants to forever remain a puppy, declared a racing rematch.

The racing rematch begins and fluffy tails are flying.
The racing rematch begins and fluffy tails are flying.

Last week, we mentioned how Cheoah won a race with Landon by changing the course midstream. The perpetual puppy that is our Boom Boom is never bothered by details like this and decided to challenge the Cheesewhiz to another race last night. She happily took off with him as they romped through the yard (neither one trying particularly hard).

Landon kicks it up a gear for the win.
Landon kicks it up a gear for the win.

Landon decided he would not lose again, so he picked up speed halfway through the course and raced for the finish line (marked by Hu-Dad sitting on the steps…and wisely getting out of the way to avoid another collision). Cheoah changed the rules once again by stopping and sniffing things along the route. When she finally decided to finish the race, she still looked pleased with herself.

Doesn't matter who's faster—Cheesewhiz always wins in her mind.
Doesn’t matter who’s faster—Cheesewhiz always wins in her mind.


  1. Lori & Izzy Belle Bear on May 30, 2019 at 12:53 pm

    Yes CheeseWhiz you’re always a winner! And Boom Boom you’re such a good sport!!

  2. Juno's mom on May 30, 2019 at 9:46 am

    Great shots of those two. Huskies do love to run.

  3. Debbie and Ruby on May 30, 2019 at 8:10 am

    Nothing beats happy smiling Huskies to make my day!!

  4. Jean Burkhardt on May 30, 2019 at 5:38 am

    I LOVE those smiles Hu-Dad. You captured the happy faces so completely. Yes Miss Cheoah-stop and smell the flowers(lol)along the way and of course Boom Boom THINKS he won but we know better!

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