News / Blog Posts

Security Chief Kiska

After A Hard Day’s Work

July 8, 2015 |

Everyone knows that you only want to relax after a hard day’s work. For our security team, the desire is exactly the same – even if Kiska does resort to a unique position. The two ladies take their security duties very seriously, as we have shown you in a number of posts. Yesterday’s pleasant weather…

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First Responders (Plus Book of the Week!)

July 7, 2015 |

The security alarm sounds. Potential intruder spotted. Just who are the first responders to such a crisis? Frankie sets off the alarm bells and the calvary is quick to arrive. Ok, maybe Qannik is not the most threatening security, but he was close enough to be first to the fence line. No worries though, the…

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calling me a clown?

Keep a Straight Face

July 6, 2015 |

When you are surrounded by clowns, it takes quite the effort to keep a straight face. Frankie, however, seems to be quite capable of handling the biggest clown in The Herd. Why, yes, Typhoon, we do think you are the biggest clown in The Herd. And, let’s face it, you love that role. Typhoon, Frankie…

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Natasha being de-fluffed.

Blowing in the Wind

July 5, 2015 |

Once again, we had rain showers yesterday. As we were moping about what to do, Hu-Dad decided it was a great day to break out the Air Force Commander and blow the excess fur out of our coats. As Siberian Huskies, we always have some excess fur and Hu-Dad sends it blowing in the wind.…

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Happy Independence Day 2015

July 4, 2015 |

We wish all of our readers a Safe and Happy Independence Day 2015! And, for our non-USA readers, we wish you a safe and happy day as well. We will be spending our day watching it rain, but at least that means we will be avoiding all of the crowds and fireworks.

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returning from the east sector

Border Patrol

July 3, 2015 |

Even though we have not mentioned it in a while, have no fear that the security patrols of Sibe Quentin continue. Queen Natasha the Evil and Princess Kiska are the best border patrol around. When these formidable guards are not patrolling the grounds, they nap with one ear open at all times. (Hey, we humans…

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Long sigh

Rainy Weather

July 2, 2015 |

We know that so many of our friends are dealing with extreme weather – from droughts, wildfires, and floods. We really should not be whiny about regular rainy weather, but we have certainly have had a lot of days of showers. Of course, we also recognize that we probably will not get much sympathy for…

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never a lack of words

Motor Mouth

July 1, 2015 |

We realized that it has been a very long time since we talked about Motor Mouth – Qannik’s constant chatter about anything and everything. The Q-Tip is one of those dogs who has an opinion about anything that happens at Sibe Quentin – and just can’t wait to express his opinion. If you ever think…

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I was framed.

Pout Time (And a Book Recommendation)

June 30, 2015 |

Typhoon decided that this was perfect moment for a pout time. Let’s just check out this first picture. So why is he pouting? Do you notice something in the bottom center of the photo? Yes, that would be a leash. Yes, he has been tethered in the house again. Sigh. Typhoon is three years old…

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A Delicate Rough and Tumble Story

June 29, 2015 |

We have a delicate rough and tumble story to tell. How can that word combination possibly work? Read the story and see if you agree.

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supervising cooking

Dinner With The Annex

June 28, 2015 |

Hu-Dad went across the valley to have dinner with the Annex, our cousins Tartok and Ruby (oh, and the Hu-Grandmom). Of course, we weren’t invited. Go figure. Ruby and Tartok are the greatest cousins and welcome the Hu-Dad into their home with much enthusiasm. Of course, the enthusiasm waned somewhat when they discovered that delicious…

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ready for my close up

We Come Bearing Gifts

June 27, 2015 |

Sure, we take lots of grief for our wrestling and shedding and other mischief, but do you trust Siberian Huskies bearing gifts? The Hu-Grandmom has a Jeep Wrangler (so does the Hu-Dad) and Wrangler’s have a unique feature – a spare tire clearly visible on the back. And Jeep people are well-known for having creative…

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