Dinner With The Annex

Hu-Dad went across the valley to have dinner with the Annex, our cousins Tartok and Ruby (oh, and the Hu-Grandmom). Of course, we weren’t invited. Go figure.

good ear scratches

Oh, good, the Hu-Dad. He gives good ear scratches.

Ruby and Tartok are the greatest cousins and welcome the Hu-Dad into their home with much enthusiasm.

bed at sunset

Just remember, I go to bed at sunset, so hurry things up.

Of course, the enthusiasm waned somewhat when they discovered that delicious smelling roast was for the Hu-Dad and not our cousins.

supervising cooking

We have been supervising this cooking all afternoon, Hu-Dad, so buzz off.


  1. KJ Pierson on June 28, 2015 at 8:23 pm

    How dare he leave you at home! The nerve! That demands a week of song!

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