Rainy Weather

We know that so many of our friends are dealing with extreme weather – from droughts, wildfires, and floods. We really should not be whiny about regular rainy weather, but we have certainly have had a lot of days of showers.

bored with rainy weather

So bored with rainy weather.

Of course, we also recognize that we probably will not get much sympathy for the rough indoor life we have to live during such inclement weather. Notice that Frankie’s pillow has not been properly fluffed in the last hour or so.

Feel sorry for us

Don’t you feel sorry for us?

Anyone who has canines in the household knows what is coming next. Humans try to explain that things are not so bad and we dogs go for the ultimate weapon.

Long sigh


The sigh heard around the world. Well, at least around Sibe Quentin.


  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on July 3, 2015 at 3:46 am

    Mom sez: There is NOTHING more potent or effective than a “Siber Sigh”! We have Ice and Ebby to attest to that!

  2. houndstooth4 on July 2, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    Ha ha ha! Yeah, we know how that is! After the rainiest June in our area’s history, we are ready for a sunny July!

  3. vincent porrazzo on July 2, 2015 at 4:20 am

    I know that ‘sigh’ well. Repeated sighs usually result in some sort of damage to our furniture shortly thereafter.

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