News / Blog Posts

Cheoah trying to avoid the brothers' game of "I am tougher than you."

Splitting Headache

December 23, 2015 |

Cheoah complained of a splitting headache yesterday. Let’s see if we can identify the cause. And why do we think some of you already have a guess? The afternoon started easily enough. The brothers – as brothers are apt to do – were playing a rousing game of I am tougher than you. And louder…

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Can I celebrate with a snack?

Q-Tip Weigh In and Vet Visit

December 22, 2015 |

Nearly a year has passed since Qannik was ordered to lose weight – and yesterday was another Q-Tip weigh in and vet visit. Long-time readers will remember that this time last year, Q-Tip surprised us all when he stepped on the scales and weighed 64.5 pounds (29.3 kg). He immediately went on the green bean…

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Who dares question my special skills in walking backwards?

Typhoon Walking Backwards

December 21, 2015 |

We had a reader ask just the other day if Typhoon is still walking backwards. Does the sun still rise in the east and set in the west? Now don’t worry, questioning reader, all of the members of The Herd question Typhoon from time to time. Especially his big brother, Frankie. (And, yes, we really…

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Qannik and Typhoon discussing the walk.

Just A Walk In The Park

December 20, 2015 |

Sometimes, you don’t need exciting things to happen to make for a great day. Sometimes, just a walk in the park is enough. The French Broad River Park in Asheville was largely empty due to a steady breeze and cool temperatures, but that just fits Siberian Husky desires. We did a couple of loops around…

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Typhoon eyeing the playmate of last resort.

Typhoon Yard Time

December 19, 2015 |

Hu-Dad went out to share some crisp and cold yard time with Typhoon (since certain senior dogs were unimpressed with the continued lack of snow). We finally had some winter like weather with temperatures in the teens and stiff winds, giving us wind chills in the single digits. Typhoon romped and played with everyone until…

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And guess who got told?

Indoor Manners

December 18, 2015 |

Can you believe that Hu-Dad insists we are to use our indoor manners when we are indoors? What sort of crazy logic is that? Once again, we received the “there is a speed limit in this house” lecture. It probably would not have happened if we had not decided to play a little couch olympics .…

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I may be beautiful, but I will not look at the camera.

Uncooperative Photography Subjects

December 17, 2015 |

Hu-Dad takes dozens and dozens of pictures of us a day, so why do we insist on being such uncooperative photography subjects? For those of you who were convinced we are talking about Typhoon, you are right . . . and not complete. All of us resist the camera from time to time. Even that…

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Shadow dogs and shadow humans - the joys of sunset and shadows.

Sunset and Shadows

December 16, 2015 |

As we are approaching the shortest day of the year, our walks are in the sunset and shadows even though we walked shortly after 4. You might notice that we are walking in the middle of Cataloochee Ranch. Our big dog friends – that special breed known as horses – have left the mountain top…

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That was fun, huh?

Wall Walking Memories

December 15, 2015 |

During our spring-weather like walk in the park Sunday, Kiska performed some wall walking memories that brought to mind one of the most colorful characters in Herd History – Rusty the Rooster. Long-time readers already know instantly who we are going to mention. We were blessed with one of the most memorable members of The…

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Woo, Qannik, look what I found.

Down By The River

December 14, 2015 |

With our crazy, warm, spring-like weather we have been having, we really did go down by the river Sunday… and didn’t freeze. The humans were running errands in Asheville and took us to Carrier Park for a Sunday afternoon stroll. We walk there a lot, but we spotted a path down to the river and…

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Uh, why are you pointing a camera at me?

The Magic of Ruby Eyes

December 13, 2015 |

Hu-Dad tried to get a few photographs of our cousin Ruby, but those Ruby eyes were clear that she did not want to model. Ruby normally enjoys being a photography subject, but these pictures were taken toward the end of an evening. She seemed to be far more interested in bed time than modeling time.…

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Minor security alert at the Northern Perimeter.

Scenes From Sibe Quentin

December 12, 2015 |

Friday was one of those wonderfully quiet days here at Chez Herd, so we thought we would just share some scenes from around Sibe Quentin. Security alerts were all of the minor variety involving small woodland critters. Still, each event requires a good response and supervision by the Queen. The Head of Security likes to…

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