Splitting Headache

Cheoah complained of a splitting headache yesterday. Let’s see if we can identify the cause. And why do we think some of you already have a guess?

Cheoah trying to avoid the brothers' game of "I am tougher than you."

Cheoah trying to avoid the brothers’ game of “I am tougher than you.”

The afternoon started easily enough. The brothers – as brothers are apt to do – were playing a rousing game of I am tougher than you. And louder than you. And faster than you. And . . . Well, they were being siblings.

You pick the winner, Sis!

You pick the winner, Sis!

In the way that things happen in big families, Cheoah’s attempt to remain neutral collapsed when the brothers insisted that she pick a side.

I don't wanna pick!

I don’t wanna pick!

The three way wrestling match was now fully underway. But, wait, you say, what does this have to do with a splitting headache? How could this possibly cause Cheoah’s head to hurt?

We think we have identified the cause.

We think we have identified the cause.

P.S. – For those who are wondering, there are no additional pictures because Typhoon identified this as the perfect time to move to the other side of the yard. Quickly. With his sister in hot pursuit.


  1. Karen on December 23, 2015 at 9:54 am

    I am a new reader to your site but am already in love with it and your ‘herd’. Having two 2-year old female huskies, that are real sisters, I can relate to so many of these blogs and I look forward to reading them everyday. Thank you for sharing their lives.

  2. Lori on December 23, 2015 at 8:04 am

    Atta girl Cheoah! Give good chase and show those boys who is the tough girl!!! Kisses to all the herd????

  3. Deborah on December 23, 2015 at 7:27 am

    Brothers are such a pain! Hope you got ’em, Cheoah.

  4. Zoe on December 23, 2015 at 7:10 am

    How is Queen Natasha feeling? You have not spoken of her health in a while
    We who are invited vouyers of your pack do worry about her.

    The Walsh Pack

    • The Thundering Herd on December 23, 2015 at 7:13 am

      She continues to do quite well. Plenty of energy, feisty as always, and always telling the Hu-Dad what to do. Her next medical check is in early January.

  5. Zoe on December 23, 2015 at 7:08 am

    Never mess with a girl’s hairdo
    Boys will never learn lol

  6. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on December 23, 2015 at 3:28 am

    Mom sez: Awww, I’d have loved to see a picture of the “hot pursuit”! And the end result!

  7. Vincent Porrazzo on December 23, 2015 at 3:13 am

    It always amazes me how little real damage is done in these battle royals.

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