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We had a reader ask just the other day if Typhoon is still walking backwards. Does the sun still rise in the east and set in the west?
Now don’t worry, questioning reader, all of the members of The Herd question Typhoon from time to time. Especially his big brother, Frankie.
(And, yes, we really need to explain Typhoon’s latest nickname – Munchie. The Hu-Dad is something of a master at nicknames for us).
Yes, when you least expect it, Typhoon (aka, Munchie) puts on his move and begins to walk backwards. And once that starts . . .
There is no explanation for Typhoon’s mysterious backward walking skills. Maybe he is channeling a little “moonwalking” skills of a certain pop star of years gone by.
So, dear reader, you can see that the backward walking Typhoon continues to exhibit his unique skill.
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TyTy maybe you’re just the smartest of the Herd by keeping your eyes on Hu-Dad just to be sure of when he decides the walk is nearing and end or like what Koda would be expecting a treat handout.
How about that idea … You being the smartest herd member. What’s the Queen and Warden think if that? Bet it just puffed you up some haha.
lol just making sure the stars were aligned properly sugar
Thank you for making my day better