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Can you believe that Hu-Dad insists we are to use our indoor manners when we are indoors? What sort of crazy logic is that?

And guess who got told?
Once again, we received the “there is a speed limit in this house” lecture. It probably would not have happened if we had not decided to play a little couch olympics . . . while Hu-Dad was on the couch.

Remembering the trampling of the Hu-Dad.
He is always telling us to keep it to a “dull roar.” And we do. More or less. Every now and then, we might take it just a little far. We feel really guilty about that.

Or maybe not.
Oh, well, we decided it was a good time to be quiet and take some naps.

For a few minutes, at least.
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Wings of Doom
December 12, 2024
A simple nightly routine with my dogs led me to face the wings of doom, a hideous creature that lurks in the shadows of my yard.
Haha! We have indoor manners here as well! With 4 of them in a very small house with wood floors it could be just downright dangerous for them to be allowed to rough play in the house. Tvs on the walls, glass cabinets, slippery floors, you get it. They know what they can and cannot do in the house, it’s pretty amazing really. We just always discouraged it with an “ach” sound when they would start and tell them not in the house! And they all pretty much just ask to go outside after we make that sound, they just seem to know now when they wanna rough house, go outside.
Is Frankie purebred? Are any of them mixed with anything, and if so, what? I ask because I have a boy who came to us from someone who found him as a stray. We don’t know his exact age or breed. he clearly is husky, but I have toyed with the idea that perhaps he has malamute or something else in him too…
If you will excuse the link drop, there are photos of Malachi here. See what you think.
Malachi is very handsome. The blue eye is clearly Siberian Husky (Malamutes don’t have blue eyes). The ears set wide and the head might show some Malamute, but it is distinct. Size would also be an indication. A Siberian male should be between 50 and 60 pounds, though there are certainly pure bred Siberian Huskies that are bigger.
Thank you. Yes for sure I knew he had to be at least partly husky, because of the blue, as you say. He seems a lot bigger than most huskies I have seen around here, but that may be the long fur. He is about 63 pounds. And, yes, comparinghim directly to some of your furbabies, I can see now his head is shaped a bit differntly. Guess I may never know without expensive testing. He certainly ACTS like a husky 😉
Since they are all rescues (with the exception of Natasha), it is very possible that any or all of them have something other than Siberian Husky in them. From a standard perspective, however, Frankie is probably pure or very close to pure. No obvious signs of anything else.
He’s gorgeous.
I imagine that Hu-Dad talks to the herd EXACTLY using those words and tone.
P.S. I’m letting everyone know that my blog has moved to melonsanimaladventures, with the usual blogspot suffix.
With my crazy 2 Huskies, speed limit means nothing! I’m standing at the counter because I was ruled banished from the couch (plus I could no= longer stand having 2 dogs climb and jump all over me) Right now they are doing their best wolf impressions, howling as our Shepherd barks non stop at the meter reader, who they are sure is evil. The persistent “I’m going to kill you”, barking continues, and the chasing Huskies zoom on. Just another day in paradise
I’d love to spend a day romping and tearing with the beautiful Thundering Herd❤️❤️❤️❤️
*sheesh* Talk about being unreasonable! 😉 We have always operated on theory that the indoor speed limit is (somewhat) self-governing – one can only corner so fast on tile/wood floors without losing traction (and thus dignity when someone either slams into the wall or ends up on her rump). However, I this lack of speed limit works fairly well in a low population zone (which is why Montana did quite well with no speed limits for many, many years), but perhaps would not work so well with a Thundering Herd. At least you don’t feel TOO guilty about wrestling on the couch with the Hu-dad as the floor mat!
Never a dull moment with the Thundering Herd crew!