Uncooperative Photography Subjects

Hu-Dad takes dozens and dozens of pictures of us a day, so why do we insist on being such uncooperative photography subjects?

Not just me.

Not just me.

For those of you who were convinced we are talking about Typhoon, you are right . . . and not complete. All of us resist the camera from time to time. Even that photographic cotton ball himself.

I may be beautiful, but I will not look at the camera.

I may be beautiful, but I will not look at the camera.

During this particular session, Hu-Dad took a couple of dozen photos. In not one . . . not a single one . . . of the photos was Q-Tip looking at the camera.

Nope, not looking.

Nope, not looking.

You may think this was just a coincidence, but he worked really hard to avoid the direct look. Don’t believe us? Hu-Dad finally succeeded in taking a straight on shot, but check out those eyes.

No way. No how.

No way. No how.



  1. Michael I on December 17, 2015 at 10:40 pm

    Really, if you have a profile like that, who *needs* a straight-on head shot…?

  2. Rebekah on December 17, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    My dogs all act camera shy at times. I have to bribe them to look at it.

  3. Shari on December 17, 2015 at 3:09 pm

    LOVE the swivel eye!

  4. The Ao4 on December 17, 2015 at 11:45 am

    Well, it’s part of the breed standard. Siberian Husky rulebook, page 4067, I believe.
    Well done, Herd!

    • Cindi on December 19, 2015 at 9:20 am

      ha! i missed that page. however i found page 4521 that says, “reverse fetch works well with hu-mom”. πŸ™‚

  5. Lauren Miller on December 17, 2015 at 4:18 am

    I totally know the Hu-Dad’s pain with difficult photography subjects. My dog Zoe is a total pain in the butt if we try to get photos outside of our apartment, at the park, etc.. She does not have time for it.. LOL! She will pin her ears back and give me the nastiest looks, which as you guys know is not good for blogging! It can probably take me 50-100 shots to maybe get some good ears and a glance my way. She’s such a brat. Luckily I have her doppelganger who is more cooperative! πŸ˜€

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