Typhoon Yard Time

Hu-Dad went out to share some crisp and cold yard time with Typhoon (since certain senior dogs were unimpressed with the continued lack of snow).

Crisp and cold start to the morning.

Crisp and cold start to the morning.

We finally had some winter like weather with temperatures in the teens and stiff winds, giving us wind chills in the single digits. Typhoon romped and played with everyone until they were all taking naps.

Who wants to play?

Who wants to play?

With the canines all resting, Typhoon was stuck with the human – so Hu-Dad went out to play. And, of course, take pictures.

Typhoon eyeing the playmate of last resort.

Typhoon eyeing the playmate of last resort.

Soon enough, a rousing game of chase ensued. Not that Hu-Dad had any chance of catching the whirling dervish.

Can't catch me!

Can’t catch me!

Come on, slow human, keep up!

Come on, slow human, keep up!

Soon enough, the Hu-Dad was wheezing and huffing and puffing like humans are so apt to do. Typhoon was still game for more chase, but the Hu-Dad had had enough yard time.

What are you quitting for, Hu-Dad?

What are you quitting for, Hu-Dad?


  1. Mom, Ice 'n Ebby on December 19, 2015 at 5:02 am

    Mom sez: Typhoon just never seems to tire. What about sending him out with a “tag team”, teaming them up with him one at a time. Wonder how many it would take to actually tire him out?!

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