News / Blog Posts

Silly humans

April Snows Bring Husky Glows

April 9, 2016 |

Humans get so many things wrong. For example, they think the saying is “April showers bring May flowers,” when it is really “April snows bring Husky glows.” Most people’s weather perception of North Carolina comes from the lower elevations to the east of us, but those of us who live in the mountains know that…

Read Today's Herd Story
Why walk down the steps when you can fly.

Film Friday – Prancing Prince

April 8, 2016 |

It’s Friday, so we have declared it another Film Friday, and will let video explain something that photographs just can’t do – explain the prancing prince. Typhoon rarely walks from one place to another. He runs, races, prances and dances – a perpetual motion machine. Capturing him in a photograph is always quite the challenge…

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Team activity

Suspicious Activity

April 7, 2016 |

We do our best to act innocent (er, behave) at all times, but Hu-Dad seems to be getting really good at spotting suspicious activity. Just yesterday, Frankie and Typhoon were hanging out together in a brotherly game, when Hu-Dad suspected they might be up to something. Despite the fact that the brothers were totally innocent…

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Working Overtime

April 6, 2016 |

Hu-Dad is buried in some busyness projects this week which means he is working overtime in his study – and we aren’t happy about it.

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Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact.

Acting Cool

April 5, 2016 |

When you are under pressure, it is important that you are always acting cool. Especially if the pressure if coming from a munchkin wanting to play. Typhoon’s endless energy should be harnessed and sold as he is a perpetual motion machine. His siblings love wrestling and chasing with him . . . for a while.…

Read Today's Herd Story
Flash born on the ranch just a few years ago has grown up to be quite handsome.

Big Dogs Are Back

April 4, 2016 |

As we mentioned yesterday, our big dog neighbors are back home from their winter vacation, so we thought we would dedicate a post to their homecoming. So many signs of spring abound – flowers blooming, trees budding, grass greening. But our favorite is the horses returning from their winter vacation. Since we drive through the…

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Family Walk

Normal Walks and Surprises

April 3, 2016 |

Saturday was a beautiful day with a twist, so we had both normal walks and surprises. In other words, it was a perfect day. With beautiful, sunny days for this weekend, we had a great family walk along the French Broad River in Carrier Park, Asheville. We love the walking trails in this park, especially…

Read Today's Herd Story
Why do I have green beans in my bowl?

Green Bean Rebellion

April 2, 2016 |

We always seem to have at least one member of The Herd on a diet, but the current participant is having a green bean rebellion. For those of you who don’t know, the green bean diet is the easiest way we know to help a dog lose weight. The program is simple. Reduce the amount…

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Rainy Day Boredom

April 1, 2016 |

One certain member of The Herd really struggles with behaving when he has a case of rainy day boredom. And you all know who we mean. Are you trying to claim innocence, Typhoon? Really? Let’s consult the photographic captures of the day. Do you remember this moment? Your poor sister was just trying to catch…

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The Queen returns from her patrols with her security detail.

Another Sign of An Early Spring

March 31, 2016 |

We are certainly having an early spring here with the warm weather, lack of snow, and rising pollen, but we noticed another sign yesterday. Chief of Security Kiska was monitoring the movements of Queen Natasha the Evil patrolling Sibe Quentin when Kiska noticed a new threat growing rapidly. Can you spot it? Yes, the rapidly growing…

Read Today's Herd Story
Guilty feelings? What are guilty feelings?

Digging Sibe Quentin

March 30, 2016 |

Post vacation week at the beach, we are really digging Sibe Quentin. No, actually digging. And we bet you think you know who this post is about. Hu-Dad noticed that a new excavation project has begun just off the porch where the Senior Team hangs out. And just in case you think this post is about…

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Frankie back to the weekday position.

Back To The Grind

March 29, 2016 |

After a week of vacation, Hu-Dad said he had to go back to the grind. So did we, though we are not sure why that is such a bad thing. Hu-Dad stumbled out of bed and went to work in his study, doing the busyness that he says brings in the kibble. We are a…

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