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Post vacation week at the beach, we are really digging Sibe Quentin. No, actually digging. And we bet you think you know who this post is about.
Hu-Dad noticed that a new excavation project has begun just off the porch whereĀ the Senior Team hangs out. And just in case you think this post is about only one dog . . .
Yes, this is a team excavation project. Hu-Dad asked what the goal was and no one would explain. Then Hu-Dad asked if we felt guilty making such a mess right off of the porch.
Fair enough. No one expects Queen Natasha the Evil to express any regrets. But what about Q-Tip, her fluffy white worker bee?
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Mom sez: We’ve discovered that the quickest way to discourage digging where it’s not wanted is to fill the hole with the results of a “pooper scooper” project, then a layer of dirt over that, and Ice ‘n Ebby leave THAT spot alone
I’ve stepped in so many that I put a brick in the hole then cover with a few inches of dirt over the top to discourage digging in the same hole. Hope I don’t end up with bricks everywhere. It’s really a husky thing.
As Siberian huskies, don’t they all know how to work Hu-dad?