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We do our best to act innocent (er, behave) at all times, but Hu-Dad seems to be getting really good at spotting suspicious activity.
Just yesterday, Frankie and Typhoon were hanging out together in a brotherly game, when Hu-Dad suspected they might be up to something.
Despite the fact that the brothers were totally innocent of all crime, they might have proclaimed their innocence just a little too loudly.
Amazingly, the Hu-Dad did not believe they were just hanging out and decided to inspect the yard. It is a good thing to because he discovered that some unknown creature had been digging holes.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
Thirty-five years ago, a massive storm hammered our region and left a path of destruction, leaving us with Hurricane Hugo memories.
Ha! And this is why I don’t bother adding a fence in my yard, as my husky boy has been known to dig holes 1-2 feet deep (not that dramatic since he was a puppy, but still).
Feel your pain. Sibe Quentin is named that way because the Hu-Dad has learned over the years how to build a dog yard. Some notes:
1) The fence is actually trenched about a foot deep into the ground. Thus, any escape route has to be deeper than that.
2) A dig guard is on the ground all the way around the outer perimeter (the fence line in the post is an interior fence – just accesses another fenced area). A dig guard is fencing laid flat on the ground and attached to the regular fence. Now the escape tunnel has to be wide enough to cross under the dig guard AND deep enough to go under the trenched fence.
3) Hu-Dad does a perimeter check of the fence line regularly and fills any holes along the fence line with concrete (just pour concrete mix and add water – it doesn’t have to be a great job) and/or gravel.
4) That fence is 8 foot tall, so over is quite the challenge, too. And, just in case a climber ever joins The Herd, Hu-Dad is ready to install coyote rollers along the top.
Sibe Quentin – named for a reason.
I assume these are lessons learnt from Nikita (and her Escape Artist tendencies)?
Nikita taught the Hu-Dad well.
It’s a good thing Frankie and Ty were right there to inspect the suspicious activity and put a quick end to any funny business!
::gasp:: A breach at Sibe Quentin….sort of! Glad the guards caught it, although I suspect they would have had to dig down to China to get past what’s underground. Shanuk says “Nice try guys!”.
We strongly suggest digging down to reach the evil perpetrator who has been digging the holes… (Mom says there is a flaw in this logic, but we think she needs to spend more time in the yard watching the voles before she discounts our idea…)
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Do you still do the concrete mixture when you find them digging? Er I mean when some strange creature digs?
When the hole is at an outside fence line, yes. This particular hole is at the fence to the back patio, so there is no escape route. The hole will just get filled in with dirt.
We can dig all the holes we want except along the exterior fence. Hu-Dad just figures it is a good way to let us burn off energy and is natural for us canines to dig.
That’s Koda. He’ll dig little inch or two holes here or there in the yard but then against the neighbors yard fense like ….China could be just inches away with all my hard work and Mommy makes Daddy fill in that mastery crafts-dog work. Woof…
**fence line is what mommy meant …. Hazel and I try to keep her skills up but….again woofffffff
Signed Koda