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After a week of vacation, Hu-Dad said he had to go back to the grind. So did we, though we are not sure why that is such a bad thing.
Hu-Dad stumbled out of bed and went to work in his study, doing the busyness that he says brings in the kibble. We are a little fuzzy on those details, but he did gripe about having to go back to the grind after a week of vacation. But, come on, we had to go back to our normal weekday routines as well.
We did provide Hu-Dad lots of breaks from his busyness. Hey, Hu-Dad, let us out. Hey, Hu-Dad, let us in. Hey, Hu-Dad, how about a snack? Hey, Hu-Dad, why do you have to come see what we are doing just because things got really, really, really quiet.
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Hurricane Hugo Memories
September 21, 2024
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Mom sez: Oh well, all vacations have to come to an end at some point. Back to the “every day realities” of life.
Well you’re all back to the hard work of keeping hudad busy❤️
Hehe – good idea, Cheoah!