News / Blog Posts

Maximum feety-feet sleeping comfort.

Feety-Feet Sleeping Comfort

February 27, 2017 |

All pups know that achieving just the right feety-feet sleeping comfort position can be challenging some days, but we can do it. The picture above says it all. Cheoah barely made it to the couch before the overpowering urge to take a nap hit. She did her best to fluff pillows and warm the surface…

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Are you suggesting a resemblance?

A Hu-Dad Age Test – Hee Haw

February 26, 2017 |

Hu-Dad was watching us inside Sibe Quentin and was reminiscing about the TV show, Hee Haw. We think that just means he is old. In particular, Hu-Dad thought of Archie Campbell and Buck Owens doing their classic skit, “Pfft, You Were Gone.” The lyrics changed each week, but the chorus remained the same wondering where…

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Capturing A Cheesewhiz Yawn

February 25, 2017 |

During the days (and evenings) of life around Chez Herd, Cheoah’s favorite spot is the den couch where you can witness a Cheesewhiz Yawn.

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Boom Boom Games – Film Friday

February 24, 2017 |

Other than meal time, Landon takes very little seriously and his joy is infectious. So what better Film Friday than some Boom Boom games? We should all take Landon’s approach to life – everything is a game. A crate is for standing on top of, not for sleeping in. A chaise lounge can be a…

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Frankie Suave strolling among the fallen branches of the Tree of Life.

A Lesson – Look Out Below

February 23, 2017 |

Frankie Suave, in his usual calm method, has once again imparted a lesson to one of the young members of The Herd – Look Out Below. Living on the top of a mountain has many advantages – and a few challenges. One of those challenges is the wind. Our giant Tree of Life offers us…

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Who? Me? Misbehave?

Who Would Misbehave During Story Time?

February 22, 2017 |

Hu-Dad ends each day lying in bed reading a book. The question is who of The Herd will behave and who will misbehave during that time. You be the judge. We do wonder, Landon, exactly how a dog can look mischevious while stretched out in a bed. Somehow, you manage to look like trouble in…

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Look at those silly youngsters.

Difference Between Youth And Immaturity

February 21, 2017 |

Qannik and Kiska were observing the youth and immaturity of certain members of The Herd when the conversation took an unexpected twist. The seniors enjoy the safety and serenity of their private porch. From their perch, they can watch the antics of the youngsters as games go on and on and on and on over…

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Trip Hazard Ruby

Sleeping Disorders Of The Herd Annex

February 20, 2017 |

Hu-Dad visited our cousins of The Herd Annex, Hu-Grandmom’s dogs Ruby and Tartok, and noticed they have sleeping disorders like we do. We have long joked (suspected) that Ruby and Cheoah are sisters because of so many similarities. Ruby’s incredible skill of sleeping directly in the path of walking humans is a terrific example. Hu-Dad…

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The poor ski area is struggling to keep snow.

Frankie Pondering Our Weather

February 19, 2017 |

Our non-winter continues with yet more warm temperatures and lack of snow. Frankie spent the day under the Tree of Life pondering our weird weather. Our forecasted temperatures next week are in the upper 50’s with absolutely no below-freezing temperatures at night all week long. Normally, we would expect snow on the ground and snow…

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Are we done with these silly games, boys?

Biggest Stick Found – Game Over

February 18, 2017 |

Remember the battle between Typhoon and Landon as to who found the biggest stick? Chief of Security Kiska has ended the discussion in a dramatic way. As a quick refresher, Typhoon found a really big stick and claimed it as his own. Not be outdone, Boom Boom found an even bigger stick. Miss Kiska usually…

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Click on the image to visit this week's Movie Memory Monday.

Typhoon Carpool Karaoke – Film Friday

February 17, 2017 |

What do you get when Typhoon is alone in the Jeep with the Hu-Dad before dawn headed to the vet’s office? Carpool Karaoke (with apologies to James Corden). Hu-Dad mounts his cell phone on the dash when driving the Jeep. He decided to turn the video camera on while driving Typhoon to the vet Wednesday…

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Styling bandana, Typhoon.

Bandana And Lost Fur Day

February 16, 2017 |

Our title leaves you wondering exactly what lost fur and a bandana have in common. Typhoon woke up wondering the exact same thing. Typhoon’s morning started off with the usual trip out to the yard of Sibe Quentin, but then the day took a nasty turn. First, his breakfast was never served which meant he didn’t…

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