A Lesson – Look Out Below

Frankie Suave, in his usual calm method, has once again imparted a lesson to one of the young members of The Herd – Look Out Below.

Frankie Suave strolling among the fallen branches of the Tree of Life.

Frankie Suave strolling among the fallen branches of the Tree of Life.

Living on the top of a mountain has many advantages – and a few challenges. One of those challenges is the wind. Our giant Tree of Life offers us lots of shade in the summer and beauty year round, but it also has lots and lots of branches that can come falling down in one of those wind gusts.

Lots and lots of branches.

Lots and lots of branches.

Frankie wandering through all of those fallen branches did catch the attention of a certain Munchkin – who might be looking for a Munchkin hardhat.

A lot of those fallen branches are bigger than me.

A lot of those fallen branches are bigger than me.

P.S. – For those wondering about safety, Hu-Dad insists we stay inside during the strongest winds. Boring, we know.



  1. Ann on February 23, 2017 at 6:00 pm

    Good news, Sibs. Here in the middle of the big corn field in Iowa, we are expecting 6-8 inches of snow tonight. Now, the last time we were promised this, we actually got almost a ground cover. So we’re holding our breath. Maybe though, this storm might just blow right on over to your mountain and drop some snow on you. Then, Frankie and Landon, you both can run and play in the white fluffy stuff until Mother Nature returns to gather it up and whisk it away. Sorry about all the tree limbs. Early this spring we had one come right through our roof. That was not funny…very very scary. Have a wonderful day. I love all of the stories Hu-Dad writes about the 6 of you and I love all of you. Monday will be 23 months since my Two crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Still so so sad and very difficult to talk about. Be good, all of you. Ann

  2. KJ Pierson on February 23, 2017 at 9:21 am

    Frankie sez> If I wander out when branches are falling, maybe i’ll get the biggest branch winning branch!

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