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All pups know that achieving just the right feety-feet sleeping comfort position can be challenging some days, but we can do it.
The picture above says it all. Cheoah barely made it to the couch before the overpowering urge to take a nap hit. She did her best to fluff pillows and warm the surface of the leather couch for maximum napping effect. One of the most important aspects of proper napping is to position the legs and paws. For anyone who is still working on the expert napping skills, Cheoah demonstrates perfection in positioning.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Mom sez: Finding the right position may work for Cheoah, but it would NEVER work for Ebby. She’s one of those Sibes who sleeps “all over the place”, NEVER still for long, even in her sleep, and some of the weirdest positions I’ve ever seen. Her favorite position is sleeping against the back of the loveseat, on the floor, with her back feet pushing against the loveseat, but her whole front end twisted around, facing the room.
Maximum comfort and ultimate cuteness ❤