Who Would Misbehave During Story Time?

Hu-Dad ends each day lying in bed reading a book. The question is who of The Herd will behave and who will misbehave during that time. You be the judge.

Just waiting for story time.

Just waiting for story time.

We do wonder, Landon, exactly how a dog can look mischevious while stretched out in a bed. Somehow, you manage to look like trouble in the most peaceful time.

Who? Me? Misbehave?

Who? Me? Misbehave?

Long time readers know that Frankie wraps his front paws around the Hu-Dad’s arm during story time, a behavior that is both sweet and somewhat challenging while reading a book. Landon does his absolute best to stay still, but it rarely lasts very long. We are sure that is a surprise.

You are about to misbehave, aren't you?

You are about to misbehave, aren’t you?


  1. KJ Pierson on February 22, 2017 at 8:42 am

    Engage zoomies!

  2. Laura Yager on February 22, 2017 at 7:39 am

    Landon looks like he’s trying SO hard not to break out in AH-roos! Those eyes are full of mischief (and cuteness). He reminds me of our Bolt. He’s almost 2, and all Husky, all the time. I’d say Landon is being very good, despite the fact that he probably moved right after the photo was taken, Keep up the good work Landon, you just might move up in the pack. One can dream……

  3. Lori on February 22, 2017 at 7:25 am

    The friskiness in those eyes and in that posture is total cuteness overload Landon ????????

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