News / Blog Posts
Waiting For March Snowy Weather
Our winter has certainly lacked snow, but we have been told we have two storms in the next few days, so we are all waiting for March snowy weather. The first system is to arrive late this afternoon and deliver 4-6 inches of snow. A second system is arriving Tuesday and is to give us…
Read Today's Herd StorySparring With Cheesewhiz – Film Friday
We show so many pictures of Cheoah napping on the couch, but you probably should also know her little brothers visit for some sparring with Cheesewhiz time. Cheoah adores her quiet napping time on the great room couches. Unfortunately for her peace and quiet, her brothers like to drift by and “invite” her for a…
Read Today's Herd StoryRainy Day Games In The Tree Fort
A rainy, dreary day necessitates indoor games. Playing in the tree fort counts as “indoor,” right? Why are you rolling your eyes, Hu-Dad? We were receiving some much-needed rain at Chez Herd yesterday, though that interfered with the outdoor plans we all had. Hu-Dad suggested to Landon that he should play indoors. Unfortunately, indoor play…
Read Today's Herd StoryWe Are Ready For Bedtime
Hu-Dad was working on some busy-ness project much later than normal yesterday evening. Don’t we look like we are ready for bedtime? Yesterday morning, we had a plumber at the house handling some repairs. Amazingly, we were not allowed to help. Something about our amazing cuteness would slow him and he charges by the hour.…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Adventures of Flat Dog
Typhoon was sprawled in his usual spot, under Hu-Dad’s desk in the study. He never left his flat dog pose while Hu-Dad crawled around photographing. Hu-Dad expected that Typhoon would bounce up and move to another room to avoid all of the attention, but he patiently let the camera take quite a few photographs. Typhoon…
Read Today's Herd StorySomepup Is Flying Around The Yard
Flying sometimes means someone is running quickly. And, sometimes, someone is soaring through the air without paws touching the ground. Poor Frankie has quite the challenging job keeping his two little brothers in line.Typhoon is just fast. Chasing rabbits through the yard, twisting and turning fast.Nothing can match his incredible speed. Typhoon is just fast.…
Read Today's Herd StoryA Scandalous Cheesewhiz Coverup
A cold winter day should not create any outrage, but Hu-Dad has photographic evidence of a scandalous Cheesewhiz coverup. Hu-Dad took a break from his busy-ness in the study, stepped over the various dogs napping on the floor and noticed that Cheoah was napping on her usual couch. The only difference is that Cheesewhiz had…
Read Today's Herd StorySome Things Do Not Change
A year ago, we posted a video that looked very much like today’s, proof that some things do not change even if our Herd does continue to evolve. We posted just the other day about Landon’s new assigned job of alerting Frankie to rabbits in the lower field. But Landon is not the only little…
Read Today's Herd StoryThe Office Crowd On A Stormy Day
Like a lot of the eastern US, we had thunderstorms move through our area yesterday, which made for quite the office crowd in Hu-Dad’s study. Fortunately, we missed all of the destruction that so many others had from the storm. We had some much-needed rain, some heavy winds (a common event in the mountains) and…
Read Today's Herd StorySpecial Place For A Dinner Date
When a Little Prince gets tired of eating at the same old places, he has to search out a special place for a dinner date. Typhoon has long been the finickiest eater of the Herd. Hu-Dad has prepared a whole array of meals including chicken, beef, salmon, satin balls, cheese, etc., etc., etc. Once one…
Read Today's Herd StoryFrankie Assigned Landon’s New Job
Landon loves his Big Brother Frankie Suave, so he readily accepted the new job that Frankie assigned to him in Sibe Quentin. Hu-Dad looked out the window to see Frankie napping while Landon was on full alert. By now, our readers know that Boom Boom is rarely serious about anything, but he looks up to…
Read Today's Herd Story