Rainy Day Games In The Tree Fort

A rainy, dreary day necessitates indoor games. Playing in the tree fort counts as “indoor,” right? Why are you rolling your eyes, Hu-Dad?

Boring rainy day. What to do? (And, yes, I am sitting in the rain).

Boring rainy day. What to do? (And, yes, I am sitting in the rain).

We were receiving some much-needed rain at Chez Herd yesterday, though that interfered with the outdoor plans we all had. Hu-Dad suggested to Landon that he should play indoors. Unfortunately, indoor play comes with indoor rules (speed limits, no trampling humans, limits on furniture olympics, etc.), so Landon claims outside is much more fun. So how do you play indoors outside?

Tree fort!

Tree fort!

And every time Hu-Dad asked exactly how wet he was getting, the reply was simple:

What? I am playing indoors.

What? I am playing indoors.


  1. Mom 'n Ebby on March 14, 2017 at 3:04 pm

    Mom ‘n Ebby say: What a beautiful picture of Landon, peeking out from his “rainy-day refuge”! Definitely outside, but inside and looking outside! That’s using your “Siber-noodle”, Landon!

  2. Bug Gus on March 8, 2017 at 12:23 pm


  3. KJ Pierson on March 8, 2017 at 8:38 am

    Landon says he found a loophole…he should have been a [C]Lawyer.

  4. Lori on March 8, 2017 at 7:30 am

    Awww Landon you are so darn adorable ????

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