Sparring With Cheesewhiz – Film Friday

We show so many pictures of Cheoah napping on the couch, but you probably should also know her little brothers visit for some sparring with Cheesewhiz time.

Do not believe this innocent moment.
Do not believe this innocent moment.

Cheoah adores her quiet napping time on the great room couches. Unfortunately for her peace and quiet, her brothers like to drift by and “invite” her for a few wrestling games. Saying no is quite difficult with their persistence, so she ends up having several sparring sessions a day. Our cameras were trained to capture one of those moments and is the basis of this week’s Film Friday.


  1. KJ Pierson on March 10, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    1)Love it all!
    2) Thinking about getting a house of my own, and I want to know where you got those apparently kevlar couches…because I have no clue how they survive those sparring matches!!!

  2. Lori on March 10, 2017 at 7:25 am

    Girl power! Way to hold your own CheeseWhiz ????

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