News / Blog Posts

Boom Boom racing around the yard.

Hot Day Energy Conservation

July 22, 2017 |

Hu-Dad encouraged everyone to practice good energy conservation yesterday as we were suffering our hottest day of the year. Of course, we don’t expect we will get a lot of sympathy when we mention our high was 80ºF (27ºC), the first 80º day we have seen all summer. Landon apparently misunderstood the message because he…

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Taste Test - Annamaet versus Acana

Taste Test – Annamaet Versus Acana

July 21, 2017 |

Five years ago, we were contemplating changing our primary dog food and decided to conduct a videoed taste test. Amazingly, the video has been viewed over 21,000 times. With that test, we chose Acana from Champion Pet Foods. For a while, we bought the food from a locally owned pet supply store, but the store…

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Cheoah says she has too many brothers.

An Evening Of Adventure Planning

July 20, 2017 |

When Boom Boom appears to be in deep thought on the deck, you know he is just spending the evening in some adventure planning. Evening was settling over Chez Herd and the rest of the dogs were relaxing in the cool summer breezes. Landon, however, was still looking for a little excitement. He usually looks…

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Ok. Give it to me. What is my weight?

Typhoon Weight Check & Frankie Vet

July 19, 2017 |

With six canines in our family, we visit our vet often. Frankie’s physical was due and Typhoon tagged along to do a weight check. Frankie’s wellness check went as well as we had anticipated. No physical signs of any issues, a healthy weight, and all good results from laboratory tests. It is really hard to…

Read Today's Herd Story
Dear Hu-Dad - Please re-read that advice you just gave about a Siberian being trustworthy until they are not.

A Sibe Quentin Maximum Security Breach

July 18, 2017 |

Sibe Quentin is a maximum security facility. We have an eight-foot, chain-link fence on the perimeter. The fence has been trenched one foot deep into the ground. Dig guards – fencing placed perpendicular on the ground next to the fence around its edge further discourages digging. Our gates are chained shut with not one, but…

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No comment.

An Unusual Sunday Sentry

July 17, 2017 |

Our readers know who to expect to see on sentry duty around Chez Herd, so our subject today might be considered an unusual Sunday Sentry. That big fluffy tail can only belong to one member of The Herd, so no big reveal coming in this post. But since when does Landon sit still long enough…

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When will the dry air return?

Humid Air, Frizzy Hair – Kiska’s Challenge

July 16, 2017 |

While we don’t suffer the heat that so many of our readers face, we certainly have very high humidity – which creates Kiska’s challenge of frizzy hair. The rest of The Herd has the naturally soft fur of Siberian Huskies, but Miss Kiska has some of the wooly coat that is found in a small…

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Frankie, Landon and Typhoon hanging out under Hu-Dad's desk in his study.

End Of Work Week Office Tedium

July 15, 2017 |

After a long work week, we have photographic evidence Hu-Dad’s “co-workers” were a little bored with the office tedium late on Friday afternoon. While Hu-Dad works on his busy-ness in his study, we are supposed to help by being good and quiet. Amazingly, being good includes not breaking out in wrestling matches or running around…

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Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth – Film Friday

July 14, 2017 |

Watching the Bouncy Boom Boom race around the yard on a summer evening sure makes us wonder if the Fountain of Youth is hidden nearby. Cheoah is quietly enjoying her time in the basement – the space under the picnic table, while Landon runs, skips, and hops. He then joins her and helps to dig the…

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Notice the body spread to maximize cooling.

Air Conditioned Napping Spot

July 13, 2017 |

Landon claimed the prime air conditioned napping spot on a warm summer afternoon – perfect for maximizing those mountain breezes. First, you should know that we are such abused doggies. Our house does not have one of those magic cold air producing machines. Something about we rarely see 80ºF (26ºC), so we don’t really need…

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Stay out of my crate, kid.

Respecting Boundaries – Or Not

July 12, 2017 |

When you live in a large canine family, respecting boundaries of your brothers and sisters is a must – unless you are a Little Prince. Typhoon and Cheoah are the best of buddies, though sometimes the redhead likes to claim her quiet napping time in her crate. After all, the crate is a sacred space…

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Hu-Dad's on the porch!

A Speedy Q-Tip Is A Happy Q-Tip

July 11, 2017 |

We like to kid Qannik about his lack of quickness, but that changes when he can grab some private Hu-Dad time – a speedy Q-Tip is a Happy Q-Tip. Since we strung together two whole days without rain, Hu-Dad spent Monday afternoon mowing the lower field. Poor Qannik had to watch the Hu-Dad pass back…

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