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With six canines in our family, we visit our vet often. Frankie’s physical was due and Typhoon tagged along to do a weight check.
Frankie’s wellness check went as well as we had anticipated. No physical signs of any issues, a healthy weight, and all good results from laboratory tests. It is really hard to believe that Frankie is approaching senior status (he has been with us almost six years), so we celebrate good healthy results.
As a quick background, Typhoon has gone off food a couple of times over the years, creating some serious health problems. This past spring, his weight dropped to a scary 38.8 pounds and we had to intervene medically again.
This is not a normal picky eater syndrome. We have tried all of the various diets (raw, canned, dry, etc.), none with lasting success. Attempting to just wait until he eats is futile since he will skip until he causes medical challenges. After this spring’s weight drop, we started treatment with steroids and other medicines. Today, he is getting a small daily steroid dose and is eating his regular food. He also gets to go in for an official weighing every few weeks. His last weigh-in on June 21 registered 44.9 pounds, just missing our short term target of 45 pounds and well below our long-term 50 pound goal.
Yesterday, he stepped on the scale. The numbers whirled and twirled. We all held our breath. And the scale read . . . 46.7 pounds! Cheers from everyone in the office!
While we are still working towards 50 pounds, we did reduce his steroid dose further and will test that he continues with a strong appetite. For now, he continues to look forward to his meals and happily cleans his bowl!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Great news Typhoon and Frankie❣
Typhoon’s appetite issue is such a mystery. Hopefully he’ll hold at his optimal weight. Always happy to hear about good labs!
Great news for both boys. So happy for Frankie and Typhoon. Frankie looks so relaxed and happy after his exam and it is great that Typhoon continues to gain weight. Good work by everybody, they are so fortunate that Hu-Dad takes such wonderful care of them, and they are worth the effort.
Wahoo!!! nom up all that food Typhoon 🙂
It is hard to believe it has been six years for Frankie. I remember when he came in over here, every time I see him in your stories here I still think of him as the pup he was!
Beautiful news Typhoon and Frankie!!! Hugs to both ????????