News / Blog Posts

Caption #2

Chief of Security Kiska’s Quiet Evening

August 3, 2017 |

Our Chief of Security, Miss Kiska, is ever vigilant for any threat approaching Chez Herd. Fortunately, last night was a quiet evening where the threats wisely remained well away from our house. With things so quiet, Hu-Dad broke out a brush and worked on her coat. That wooly coat is certainly beautiful to look at,…

Read Today's Herd Story
The Little Prince looking a little unsure of his Big Brother's invitation.

Unexpected Games For The Little Prince

August 2, 2017 |

Typhoon is the master of unexpected games, picking on others of The Herd when they want to be left alone. He was up to his usual tricks of trespassing into Cheoah’s crate when his big brother Frankie Suave decided to pull his own unexpected move. Frankie normally spends his evenings relaxing on the deck watching…

Read Today's Herd Story
I almost collapsed in hunger!

Frankie Suffers A Terrible Dinner Error

August 1, 2017 |

A dinner error. We know that canines everywhere are gasping at the mere thought of a human committing such an atrocity, so we need to take a moment and explain what happened. We eat twice a day – breakfast and dinner. We may not wear watches, but we know exactly when they should be served.…

Read Today's Herd Story

Sorry. Are You Calling Me?

July 31, 2017 |

The humans prepared to leave the house last night, destined for a quick pizza and beer dinner in town. Hu-Dad started calling for all dogs to come inside, and five out of six quickly responded. One, however, seemed to have a moment of Siberian Deafness. Landon loves being outside exploring Sibe Quentin. Yesterday’s weather was…

Read Today's Herd Story
Typhoon - Embrace the bad.

Brotherly Difference – Typhoon & Landon

July 30, 2017 |

A couple of small episodes yesterday highlighted the brotherly difference between our youngest siblings – Typhoon and Landon. We often talk about the similarities between Landon and Typhoon. They both enjoy racing about the yard chasing rabbits, birds, and other unfortunate creatures. They both enjoy pestering their sister, Cheoah, and respect their big brother, Frankie.…

Read Today's Herd Story
Why oh why did they go in different directions?

Foggy Evening Decisions For Boom Boom

July 29, 2017 |

After a day of steady rain, the clouds settled over our mountain. Landon faced foggy evening decisions thanks to a pair of rabbits. A pair of rabbits grazed just outside the fence of Sibe Quentin. Spying the duo, Landon took off to provide them with a standard Siberian Husky welcome. Hearing the thundering paws coming…

Read Today's Herd Story
Boom Boom Bounding

Boom Boom Bounding – Film Friday

July 28, 2017 |

In order to produce our daily posts, Hu-Dad needs us to behave long enough for a few photographs. But some of us don’t have much patience in posing. Oh, say, Landon, who much prefers bounding around the yard rather than sitting still for a few pictures. Who wants to sit still? Hu-Dad set out to…

Read Today's Herd Story
Woo-hoo! Racing for the house.

Race, Run, Trot, Walk, Whew

July 27, 2017 |

Funny thing as you get older – distances seem to grow. Qannik was coming up from the back yard and the speed went from race to run to trot to walk. Hu-Dad says he can totally relate. Things he used to do with a bounce in his step now require just a wee bit more…

Read Today's Herd Story
Dear Reader - I am not responsible for my Hu-Dad's bad puns.

Goblins Under The Dining Table

July 26, 2017 |

Hu-Dad has long suspected that Chez Herd is haunted! He leaves things in one room and then finds them carried to another room.  And those objects not only are moved, by they are covered in a gooey slime (sort of like dog slobber). Now, he has photographic proof of actual goblins under the dining table!…

Read Today's Herd Story
I am ready for my close up.

Refusing The Great Outdoors

July 25, 2017 |

Posing canines for photographs is challenging enough, so Hu-Dad suggested that Cheoah enjoy the great outdoors and natural light. Her response? Capturing photographs of six Siberian Huskies on a daily basis is not the easiest task in chronicling our story. Speedy dogs like Landon and Typhoon require the Hu-Dad to use a fast shutter speed…

Read Today's Herd Story
Focused on the threats on the horizon.

Be Observant – Never Miss A Thing

July 24, 2017 |

When you are as observant as our Chief of Security Miss Kiska, you never miss a thing. Well, you almost never miss anything. Hu-Dad heard Miss Kiska woo a soft warning. Not one of her “all hands on deck” alarms, but a gentle warning to some distant foe. He stepped to the door and saw…

Read Today's Herd Story
Ooooh - a House Party!

Siberian Husky House Party

July 23, 2017 |

Hu-Dad was hosting a house party for the Friends of the Haywood County Animal Shelter, but we weren’t invited to hang out inside with the guests. Our county is building a brand new, state of the art animal shelter and a private group is raising some of the money. Hu-Dad invited some people over to…

Read Today's Herd Story