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A couple of small episodes yesterday highlighted the brotherly difference between our youngest siblings – Typhoon and Landon.
We often talk about the similarities between Landon and Typhoon. They both enjoy racing about the yard chasing rabbits, birds, and other unfortunate creatures. They both enjoy pestering their sister, Cheoah, and respect their big brother, Frankie.
But their difference can be summed up with two little incidents from yesterday.
Yesterday morning, Hu-Dad caught Landon in a rare moment – misbehavior. Simply by calling his name, Hu-Dad had Landon’s attention. With a soft wag of his tail, Landon looked Hu-Dad in the eye and said, “Woo.” Dad wasn’t sure whether that meant “I’m sorry” or “I’m sorry I got a caught.” Either way, Landon stopped what he was doing and the incident was quickly forgotten. Landon has long shown that he wants to be good, so the gentlest corrections are effective. Yes, he is exuberant and energetic and sometimes that excitement gets him carried away, but he rarely just misbehaves.
Just a few minutes after that incident, Hu-Dad walked into his study and discovered Typhoon shredding a piece of paper he had stolen off of the desk. The Little Prince has long had a desire to shred things he finds, often found high on a shelf in a supposedly safe spot. Hu-Dad called Typhoon’s name and told him to stop. Typhoon looked up at Hu-Dad, shrugged, and returned to shredding the paper. Zero remorse.
And that is the difference between the two. One is an exuberant good boy and the other is exuberant delinquent.
And we love them both.
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
You just gotta love the defiance of a husky. My husky Aries was very defiant. He definitely couldn’t be left alone in the house. He would go after my stuff most of the time. You knew he was made at me. Now I know German Shepherds and huskies are 2 different breeds, but I do appreciate that my German Shepherd Bruce listens very well. If I had to yell at my kids or he could feel that I was mad then he would go running lol. We also have a long haired miniature Dachshund named Penny. Now that is a very naughty dog. She is just as defiant as a husky I would have to say and for such a little dog, she amazes me on how bad she can be. Hugs and kisses to the herd.