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Funny thing as you get older – distances seem to grow. Qannik was coming up from the back yard and the speed went from race to run to trot to walk.
Hu-Dad says he can totally relate. Things he used to do with a bounce in his step now require just a wee bit more focus and determination.
Especially in the summer heat and humidity. Oh, sure, our temperatures may not be as high as a lot of you, but it is still hot to us.
Don’t worry, though. Q-Tip saved enough energy for the most important thing.
Thursday, so time for a Throwback Thursday video with a little comparison between Frankie Suave and Typhoon!
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Mama Bear Warning
July 12, 2024
Mama Bear crashed through the underbrush, growling and snorting with her eyes locked on her targets—us. Her warning was clear.
Qannik, you are beautiful and sweet at any speed.
Qannik, I too know how you feel. With the humidity being so high, you can wear the air, moving is no joke. You do whatever it takes honey. Stay beautiful and keep smiling????
I love Qannik so much. I know he is getting up there in the senior ranks so every post is a treasure. I just want to hug him so much!
Qannik you have the most beautiful smile (and eyes) ????????????